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The Music Ride
Let us take you around Stockholm on our boat, accompanied by a local musician. Get rocked by both music and the waves on a sunny summer evening. An opportunity to lean back and just enjoy the RIDE together with friends, colleagues or family. Our talented musicians play a variety of music, and our captain will find a tour just for you.
What is included
  • Cruise through Stockholms in the sunset.
  • Enjoy live music from our local musicians.
  • take in Stockholms stunnig views while sipping on your drink of choice.
Practical information
  • More than welcome to bring your own drinks and food!
Secure booking by Understory
Cover image
SIGHTSEEING RIDE is an electric boat journey offering guided tours along the central waterways of Stockholm. Engaging narratives blend with witty and personal tales, presenting a whimsical perspective of the city. The tours, conducted in both Swedish and English, run throughout the summer season, setting sail every thirty minutes.
SIGHTSEEING RIDESlottsbacken 8111 30 Stockholm 76 034 57 08
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SEK 395/ Person
Show dates
SEK 395/ Person